Friday, October 29, 2010

Advertising and Public Relations

Verizon implements institutional advertising, product advertising, and comparative advertising along with many others. Institutional advertising is a type of advertisement that makes the company look better while also promoting a product but only to a certain extent. Verizon does this in there commercials where they often call it the Verizon family showing a typical family all using Verizon phones, this commercial makes Verizon look like a family friendly company.  Product advertising is when a company only promotes a product and its benefits and capabilities. Verizon does this with their recent Droid commercials in which there are no people in the commercial it is only the Droid model they are selling as well as a demonstration of its capabilities. Lastly, comparative advertising is an advertisement that shows the differences between two similar products. In many Verizon advertisements, they often display two maps comparing their coverage with that of their competitors.
Public relations is the way companies get a feel for the attitude people have toward them as well as how a company tries to influence these attitudes. Verizon did this through press releases when they release new Droid models. They used a press release to get the word out about the newest Droid while saving a lot of money doing it.

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